Tag: Sunset Rock

The Irvington Woods - Hermit's Grave, Sunset Rock, Split Rock, Barney Brook, Ice Pond

November 21, 2020

5.6 Mi • 843 Ft Gain • 97 Photos

My fourth visit to The Irvington Woods was on a beautiful 60-degree fall afternoon. My goal for the trip was to check out the unmarked trail that runs north from intersection #26 near Hermit's Grave. It was a little disappointing, but I had an exhilarating experience running into an injured deer that made it more interesting. Revisiting Hermit's Grave, the Terrace loop trail, Sunset Rock, Split Rock, and Ice Pond in the fall gave me a whole new experience of those landmarks. Even though I've graduated to more challenging hikes, this is still one of my favorite parks.
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The Irvington Woods - Split Rock, Sunset Rock, Marshall Pond, Ice Pond, Hermit Wetlands

July 19, 2020

6.0 Mi • 579 Ft Gain • 122 Photos • 2 Videos

I really enjoy the variety of this park. The eastern part of the park near the Saw Mill River Parkway drops off quite a bit and has a certain feel to it, with its rock benches, carriage paths, steps, and monuments. Coming back up into the interior is a little shadier and less vegetative, with awesome rock formations at Split Rock and Sunset Rock. The reservoir to the west is breathtaking. Then the northern Marshall Pond and Ice Pond are quaint and lush. I can still hear the ducks and other wildlife living in the Hermit Wetlands to the east.
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The Irvington Woods - Sunset Rock, Split Rock, Irvington Reservoir, Ice Pond, Marshall Pond

July 12, 2020

5.1 Mi • 515 Ft Gain • 136 Photos • 6 Videos

Having learned from my first hike in this park, I came prepared this time with 1.5L of water and the printed full trail map with the numbered posts. I left the park thirsty, sore, and with blistered ankles, but I'm glad I got to see some new spots, including Sunset Rock, Split Rock, Barney Brook, the Irvington Reservoir, Ice Pond, and Marshall Pond. I am gaining confidence in the layout and my navigation of the park. At this point I've hit every POI on the map, but I can't wait to explore even more as I still haven't hit all the different paths.
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