Tag: Macy Monument

The Irvington Woods - Ice Pond, Irvington Reservoir, Memorial Loop, Hermit Wetlands

March 6, 2022

4.7 Mi • 646 Ft Gain • 117 Photos • 3 Videos

On a beautiful spring-like afternoon, I returned to a familiar park to continue exploring new nooks and crannies. Ice Pond and Marshall Pond were almost done with their winter thaw. It was awesome to view Irvington Reservoir from the west and south angles. I then hit all the POIs in the southern and eastern sections of the park: Macy Monument, the Terrace, the Steps, and Hermit's Grave. On my way north, I made an obligatory stop at Hermit Wetlands. This park holds a special place in my memory as it was where I first gained my initial hiking experience and confidence.
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The Irvington Woods - Hermit's Grave, Harriman Road, Macy Monument, Terrace, Steps

July 5, 2020

4.1 Mi • 416 Ft Gain • 41 Photos

My first visit to The Peter Oley Trailways System at The Irvington Woods was a bit disorienting. I printed out the full perimeter route beforehand, but I didn't realize this map doesn't have the trail marker numbers on it like the full map does. I could easily pull up the full map on my phone, but I was trying to rely on paper and instinct. Even though I didn't end up taking the route I originally intended or seeing all I wanted to see, it was a fun first trip exploring on and off the marked trails.
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